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God damn it's too good i'm going to bed

(1 edit)

I'm in a class of my own i guess lol

couple things I've noticed:
+ direct damage doesn't seem to reflect modifiers in the text, as seen in arrows and the slingshot

+ the pumpkin shield usually shows +0hp for healing done

+ I don't think it's possible to get the black pearl while you have pearl bracelets I've tried so many times lol and even otherwise excluded water / gem type from my build and never seen it.  I've seen it pop up as soon as i finally sell the bracelets a few times haha

+ I also saw the bug where you restart the same fight repeatedly after selecting an ability on firefox on mobile, and occasionally on firefox on pc

+ I saw enemy's current card count displaying an incorrect number (enemy was the reaper guy, showed too few cards but it was still dynamically updating)

I think I ran into your pumpkin/food/tavern build.   Thanks for the bugs actively trying to fix that loop bug now

Every time I lose I get stuck in a loop of repeating the same fight.

Also removals don't seem to work.

Pls fix. Good game otherwise.

Working on that removal bug now, seems to be server side issue.

As for the repeating loop did this happen on multiple runs or just like 1 particular opponent?  I'm trying to replicate this and I cannot seem too.  What browser are you on?

Firefox. Every run, every loss, the loop occurs.

Can you play it just one more time and give me your player code when the loop occures don't refresh.   

I think the new update fixed it. I played again and... it didn't loop!

Thats super scary cause I didnt change the code for loss/matchmaking, just the code for the unable to remove.  If you hit it again let me know.  Thanks! 

The removal card glitch should be fixed and is live now. I still cannot for the life of me get the loop issue.


Very fun, bonus spins are broken af

Get some hot peppers, batched brew, and elemental fuel.

the game is a fun little auto battler but i got stuck in a loop fighting the same guy over and over and losing, it wouldnt give me my loss perk or let me go to the store between and i couldnt get out of the loop and had to reload.

There are absolutely some bugs which I will iron out.   As for the match making I think I need to add in some checks to make sure you never fight the same player in one run (at least try to).   I'll def implement that as well as a means to match up newbies vs newbies.   Just gotta fix this dumb cursor bug first.   Thanks for checking it out!